THH035 — Keith Carlson: Artistry, Eldercare and Service- the Makings of an Extraordinary Caregiver

Welcome to "The Healthy Healer" podcast. I'm your host, Dr. Fred Moss. Through sustained conversations, we delve deep into the journeys of healers who've found their purpose after personal transformation. Many enter the healing profession with aspirations only to grapple with reality—endless training, unexpected responsibilities, and even disillusionment. But there are those who rise above, harnessing personal healing and rediscovering their passion. Our podcast features these inspiring souls who've returned to the healing profession, stronger and more aligned than ever. Join us for riveting conversations that shed light on the true essence of healing and the incredible individuals who've redefined their paths.

Here are some key takeaways from this conversation:

  • Keith found his calling in serving others starting with elderly care inspired by a close relationship with his great aunt. This led him to become a nurse, writer, podcaster, and coach.

  • He faced challenges like his parents' difficult divorce and a friend being killed by police, leading to PTSD. This caused him to overextend himself trying to help patients and he had to reset.

  • He transformed his nursing career to have more flexibility and control as a coach and podcaster. This allows him more time with loved ones.

  • Though he explored mysticism when younger, it's less central now. His fiancé is an astrologer which brings that perspective.

  • He feels nursing education is too focused on hospital acute care and the licensing exam, missing other valuable nursing roles.

  • For self-care and preventative health, he advises being very mindful of one's nutrition and limiting unhealthy foods. Even small improvements help.


Nurse Keith Website

Nurse Keith Show Podcast

Nurse Keith Coaching FB

Show Notes:

  • Personal growth and serving others. 0:08

  • Trauma, obstacles, and growth after a friend's murder by police. 6:29

  • Personal growth, burnout, and relationships as a nurse. 11:02

  • Career coaching, self-employment, and spirituality. 14:52

  • Nursing education and its limitations. 19:49

  • Health, nutrition, and self-care in Santa Fe. 23:22

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Dr. Fred Moss

Welcome to Humanity we’re out to transform mental illness conversations via Global Madness.

THH036 — Being an Honest and Curious Listener is All it Takes to be an Extraordinary Human Being


THH034 — How to Go From Traumatized to a Triumphant Healer