“Fred Moss is a GENIUS. It’s not every day that you meet a man who knows how to host a space that allows others to feel open and safe enough to discover themselves and express anything!

The magic with Fred is not just in his audacity, nor how powerfully charismatic he is, but that we can really feel how committed he is to helping others discover their authenticity. He stops at no end to to accomplish this mission to help others, HE’S RELENTLESS – talk about over delivery!

Fred, I can think of no better man to guide others to their true voice. You are the sailor in the storm, with an eye on the lighthouse at all times. Stay true my friend, love you buddy!”

— Shaun Offenbach

Founder, Motivator Agency;

also Fred’s co-leader in “True Voice Podcasting Mastermind”

“I’ve attended a couple of other podcast classes and have had several opportunities to start a podcast through the years.

Results: Nothing changed.

‘True Voice Podcasting’ was the class that hit the mark. Why? Dr. Fred is so passionate that each participant finds their unique and true voice. This made all the difference for me. Of course, we still learned the tips, tricks, and technical part of creating a podcast. However, finding my true voice made all the difference!

Results:‘The Metaphysics of Life’ – my podcast!”

— Rev. Kelly S. Kaelin

MS, B.Msc, FCT

“One of my favorite things is I’m being exposed to people who’ve done it before and know what they’re doing. Hearing people talk about their actual experiences has given me new access to what might be possible.”

— Alexander Martin Jackl

CEO/GM/Education data expert/Leadership expert

“Where I am in the whole podcasting process right now is way, way better than where I was before coming into True Voice. It’s not my first rodeo, I’ve been a radio show host. Finally getting to the place where my voice sounds like me 100% of the time. This is the most exciting moment.”

— Jackie Simmons

Director at Teen Suicide Prevention Society/Mindset Magician/Trauma Resolution Trainer

“I had the privilege of being a guest of Dr. Fred on the Welcome to Humanity podcast. It was fantastic! Dr. Fred is one of the most phenomenal interviewers I have ever experienced. He will ask you questions that you did not realize that you could get from another human being. So it was really powerful to get those questions and to sit with them, and to experience him and the questions and your own process as you’re coming to those questions. It was really amazing.”

— Sanyika Street

CEO/Business & Leadership Mentor/
Innovative Storyteller

“Before this masterclass, I knew I had a voice. However, after attending the class is when I found the true impact of having a powerful, authentic, and effective voice. To Authenticity 🙏🏽 Thank you, Dr. Fred!”

— Julius Boria

“I am a professional songwriter. I have a talent for capturing the essence of a person’s life in a song so that others may know that person through my music.

Until I met Dr. Fred Moss and participated in his podcast training course, I had only a slim view of my market. Through podcasting, the message I have to deliver to the world can be delivered far beyond the normal outlets for reaching listeners and customers.

I highly recommend his work. He delivers the program powerfully and he has a talent for engaging with each participant at their level so that nobody is lost in the shuffle.”

— Jim Fowler


“In my 41 years of surrounding myself amongst influencers and leading the way in personal development, I can say that I haven’t met anyone besides Dr. Fred Moss who brings not just the heart of a difference maker but someone who has mastered the spoken word and his pull for the greatness of others is simply inspiring. For years I had been searching for my niche and not only have I discovered it, but Dr. Fred Moss has provided the vehicle of podcasting for me to express my True Voice. I am now finally positioned with my book and my podcast to unleash my brilliance and impact the world!!!”

— Michelle Jenkins

“Unleashing Your Brilliance” Podcast, Author, Executive Producer and Speaker

“So one favorite aspect of the True Voice Podcasting Mastermind class is being able to work with people who are starting in the same place as I am, who don’t have all their ducks in a row and have never really tried this podcasting thing and they’re just kind of jumping in and seeing what works and how does it all go from here. I think my favorite thing really is knowing that I’m not alone.”

— Kristin Tracy

LifeVantage Independent Distributor

“I love that we are going to end up with four episodes of our very own podcast with our own brand, knowing our tribe, and that we are working with experts in the field who know what they’re doing. They know how to distribute, they know how to produce, they know how to help us get our brand great. I have always wanted to have a show, I just didn’t know how to do it. So when I was offered the opportunity to be in Dr. Fred’s course, I couldn’t get in fast enough.”

— Hilary Burns

Author/Business Owner

“Dr. Fred’s course gave me a new lease on life. I had a True Voice but I was very tentative about sharing it. With Dr. Fred I felt validated, and that gave me the courage to take my True Voice public.

My podcast is a dream come true for me. Thank you, Dr. Fred.”

— Hilary Burns

“Get Real and Get Free” Podcast

“I truly love the community that’s being built, not just talking about being with others but really being with others through the interviewing and our buddy calls – that’s just a real delight. Also appreciate your authenticity and your real commitment to working on this and seeing the growth that’s happened in the five weeks – it’s just astonishing to me.”

— Dr. Lynn F. Hellerstein


“Fred Moss and his guests are continuously getting into the issue of what makes you happy. And I think if you’ll spend even a little time, although frankly, I hope it’s a lot, listening to his guests and listening to Fred, you’ll have the tools to have lived a happy, fulfilling, satisfying, probably exciting life. I’m all in.”

— Mitzi Perdue


“I’ve been a lot of places and I’ve seen a lot of things so I really know how to spot a gem when I come across one, and Dr. Fred really is one of those gems. He’s not afraid to take a little bit of risk, be a little bit bold. I guarantee that if you work with Dr. Fred it is going to be a rewarding relationship, where you develop something fresh and new. A win-win situation that you won’t regret.”

— Eathan Janney
