THH039—Holly Beck: Overcoming Autoimmunity: Exploring the Magic of Mindset

Welcome to "The Healthy Healer" podcast. I'm your host, Dr. Fred Moss. Through sustained conversations, we delve deep into the journeys of healers who've found their purpose after personal transformation. Many enter the healing profession with aspirations only to grapple with reality—endless training, unexpected responsibilities, and even disillusionment. But there are those who rise above, harnessing personal healing and rediscovering their passion. Our podcast features these inspiring souls who've returned to the healing profession, stronger and more aligned than ever. Join us for riveting conversations that shed light on the true essence of healing and the incredible individuals who've redefined their paths.


Here are some key takeaways from this episode:

  • Holly shared her 20-year health journey from getting mono in her twenties, to dealing with chronic fatigue, trying alternative healing methods, and eventually being diagnosed with lupus. She felt lost and was struggling to find direction in life. 

  • A turning point came when Holly realized she was missing spirituality and connection. She started attending spiritual talks, learning about mindset, and realizing she could take control of her thoughts and reality. 

  • Mindset work helped Holly gain confidence to create her own health coaching business and program. She coaches women on establishing mindset practices and health fundamentals to take control of chronic health struggles.

  • Holly emphasized that with mindset shifts come changes in relationships and life overall. She has more trust now and doesn't stay stuck in fear or worry. Her connection to spirituality and faith is key.

  • The episode focused on Holly's journey of personal growth through adversity, incorporating spiritual principles, mindset work and holistic health to become a healer and help others.

  • Holly encourages those with health struggles to not give up hope. Breakthroughs can be around the corner if you keep believing and working on yourself.

The key themes are overcoming adversity through spiritual connection and mindset work to become a healer, gain life direction and help others.



The Health Bridge Podcast with Holly B.

The Healthy Bridge Podcast Site

Holly B. LinkedIn


Show Notes:

  • Health journey with chronic fatigue and alternative healing methods. 0:04

  • Health struggles, spirituality, and alternative healing methods. 4:36

  • Chronic illness, spirituality, and healing. 8:27

  • Mindset, limiting beliefs, and personal growth. 12:50

  • Mindset coaching for chronic health issues and personal growth. 18:01

  • Spiritual growth and overcoming fear. 22:17

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Dr. Fred Moss

Welcome to Humanity we’re out to transform mental illness conversations via Global Madness.

THH040—From Chronically Ill to Reliable Healing


THH038—Fighting for the Health of Humanity