THH023 — Sandra Cooze: From Traumatized to Traumatic Healer

The idea of providing resonating harmonic healing for somebody requires some degree of healing on our own. And although many people will say that they are healed or think that they are healed, and none of us are really truly healed to the core by the way, now that we all have plenty of healing left before we become entirely healed, but the more healed that we are and the more focus we give on ourselves to heal ourselves, the more likely we are to be effective healers and be able to resonate and connect with our clients.

My guest for today’s episode is Sandra Cooze who says “trauma is not a life sentence”. Powerful words spoken by a woman whose journey is proof that healing from trauma is not only possible, but opens the door to a world of endless possibilities. Sandra is an expert trauma healer, a certified TR facilitator and intuitive mentor and coach, a Reiki Master and a published author.

Her mission is to revolutionize trauma healing. She designed the full circle trauma healing method, or unique approach that not only focuses on releasing the trauma you had to experience but also beliefs and conditioning you carried on from your ancestors in generations past.

Her recently published book ‘Journey to Your Self - How to Heal from Trauma’. takes the reader on a journey through the mysteries of trauma, and the effects it can have on body, mind, and spirit. While unraveling the concept of trauma she lists helpful tools, leaves room for notes, and encourages her readers to work through the unique exercises she lists to support them on their healing journey.

Sandra Website

Sandra Facebook

Sandra YouTube

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Show Notes:

  • It all started at the stables. 2:57

  • The difference between sexual assault and sexual assault without intercourse. 7:54

  • Hurt people hurt people. 13:39

  • How long does trauma treatment take? 17:13

  • The definition of trauma. 22:04

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Dr. Fred Moss

Welcome to Humanity we’re out to transform mental illness conversations via Global Madness.

THH024 — Do We Have to Experience What Our Clients Have Endured in Order to Be Effective?


THH022 — The Scene of the Crime in Conventional Health Care