THH120—DO we all have these Crazy Skills and Simply don't use them?

In this episode, Dr. Fred Moss interviews Laura Herwig, a clairvoyant medium who can navigate through different dimensions and timeframes with ease. They discuss Laura's impressive skills, including her ability to foresee significant events and understand connections across various dimensions. Dr. Fred reflects on whether these abilities are unique to Laura or if everyone has latent skills they could harness. The conversation encourages listeners to explore their own potential and consider the possibility of a multidimensional existence beyond the conventional three-dimensional world. Dr. Fred urges his audience to tap into their intuitive abilities and see how these could impact their lives and the lives of others.

Key Takeaways:

  • Exploring Latent Abilities: Laura Herwig's clairvoyant skills prompt a discussion on whether everyone possesses similar abilities but does not use them. Dr. Fred encourages listeners to reflect on their own potential.

  • Multidimensional Existence: The episode explores the concept of existing beyond the three-dimensional world, suggesting that people might be capable of perceiving and interacting with multiple dimensions. 

  • Intuition as a Muscle: Laura's confidence in her clairvoyant skills is highlighted as a key factor in her accuracy. This suggests that intuition and psychic abilities might be like muscles that can be strengthened with practice and confidence.

  • Physics and Clairvoyance: Laura attributes some of her knowledge to her understanding of physics, implying a scientific basis for her abilities, which might be accessible to others with similar knowledge and focus.

  • Impact on Personal and Collective Life: Dr. Fred discusses how tapping into these abilities can bring significant changes to one's life and potentially offer healing and insight to others, emphasizing the practical benefits of embracing one's intuitive skills.

  • Questioning Reality: The conversation touches on the evolving nature of reality in the age of artificial intelligence and unclear news reports, encouraging listeners to question and expand their understanding of what is possible.

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THH121—Victoria Craig: The Journey is the Journey


THH119—Laura Hoorweg: Clairvoyance is not something to be (Dis)missed