THH110—Energy Healing, Natural Law and Polarity... woo woo or WOW!

In this episode, I take the reins to reflect on our recent conversation with the insightful Margie Breault. Initially skeptical of energy healing, natural law, and the like, Margie's profound journey from a tumultuous past to embracing practices like Reiki left me reconsidering my stance. Her articulate discussion on natural law and the law of polarity struck a chord, showcasing how these ancient principles can catalyze personal growth. While I maintain respect for conventional medicine, Margie's narrative urges us to explore alternative modalities with an open mind. So, I invite you to join me in contemplating the "woo woo" versus "wow" of holistic healing, and perhaps, consider the transformative power it holds. Let's dive in!

Here are the key takeaways from this solo episode:

  • Dr. Fred admits he had some initial skepticism about energy healing, natural law, the law of polarity, and other "alternative" modalities that Margie discussed.

  • However, after hearing Margie's personal journey and her deep understanding and embodiment of these principles, Dr. Fred became much less skeptical.

  • ⁠He was impressed by how Margie went from a traumatic upbringing that disrupted her self-esteem, to discovering energy healing like Reiki, and then deeply studying the theories and teachings behind these practices.

  • ⁠Margie's ability to eloquently explain natural law, the law of polarity, and how these universal principles can empower personal transformation was very convincing to Dr. Fred.

  • Dr. Fred acknowledges that while conventional/allopathic medicine has its place, the ancient healing arts and spiritual/energetic approaches can also be highly valuable, especially when approached with an open mind.

  • He encourages listeners to reflect on their own perspectives - are they dismissing these alternative modalities as "woo woo" without truly exploring them? Or are they open to the potential "wow" factor these approaches can offer.

  • Dr. Fred suggests people should be willing to consider alternative treatments, especially when conventional medicine may fall short or cause harm.

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THH111—Dr. George Ackerman: Advocating for the End of Parkinson's With His Soul


THH109—Margie Breault: How Polarity and Natural Law Can Liberate Us from Suffering