THH129—Belldon Colme: Combating Obesity and Chronic Disease from the Ground Up!!

In this episode of The Healthy Healer, Dr. Fred sits down with Belldon Colme, the innovative founder and president of Nutritional Fitness and Club Lit. Belldon shares his transformative journey from battling obesity and chronic diseases to achieving a state of wellness and disease-free living. Through their engaging conversation, Belldon reveals his unique approach to nutrition and health, known as the "four jars" method, which emphasizes balanced eating with dark leafy greens, fibrous vegetables, proteins, and carbohydrates. Listeners will gain valuable insights into overcoming cravings, the psychological aspects of eating habits, and the power of proper nutrition in healing the body.


***Key Points:

1. Introduction by Dr. Fred
   - Overview of the podcast and introduction of Belldon Colme.

2. Belldon’s Health Journey
   - Transition from an engineering career to dealing with severe health issues like type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
   - Experiences with three heart attacks and the pivotal moment of realizing the impact of diet on health.
   - Shift from relying on medication to adopting a science-based, diet-focused approach to health.

3. Nutritional Philosophy
   - Explanation of the "four jars" method: dark leafy greens, fibrous vegetables, proteins, and carbohydrates.
   - Importance of balanced nutrition and eliminating processed foods from the diet.
   - Discussion on how the body can naturally heal when provided with the right nutrients.

4. Psychological Insights
   - Strategies for overcoming cravings and emotional eating.
   - Importance of asking mindful questions like “Does this get me closer to the life I want to live?”
   - Role of emotional and psychological support in maintaining a healthy diet, as provided by Club Lit.

5. Current Life and Activities
   - Belldon's vibrant and active lifestyle after his health transformation.
   - His ongoing efforts to educate and inspire others through Nutritional Fitness and Club Lit.

6. Closing Thoughts
   - Dr. Fred expresses gratitude to Belldon for sharing his knowledge and experiences.
   - Encouragement for listeners to take proactive steps towards improving their health.


Tune in for an inspiring and informative discussion that can help guide you on your path to better health and well-being!



Website -

Book on Amazon: No One Ever Got Fat from Calories

New Book: Undo Type 2: Kick the Diabetes Habit for Good

Create bulletproof motivation and end emotional eating and overwhelm

Create bulletproof motivation and end emotional eating and overwhelm: Club LIT



00:00 Introduction to The Healthy Healer

00:30 Meet Belden Kolm: A Journey to Health

02:19 Belden's Health Struggles and Turning Point

03:59 The Path to Recovery: Diet and Lifestyle Changes

07:11 The Power of Mindfulness and Psychology in Health

18:19 Exploring Modern Diet Trends and Their Impact

23:47 The Omnivore Diet: A Balanced Approach

30:34 Final Thoughts and How to Connect with Belden


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THH130—No Matter how Large that Craving Is, Don't Give Up!


THH128—Which Comes First? Mind? Body? Spirit?