Ep.4 — [IN]Sanity Podcast with Fred & Sam

Get ready to dive deep into the fascinating world of the human mind with your hosts, Dr. Fred and Sam! Today's episode is a special one because there's no guest—just these two brilliant minds at the helm.

In a candid and thought-provoking conversation, Fred and Sam embark on an exploration of cultural agreements and the deep-seated fears that shroud subjects such as debt, money, and death. With unwavering honesty, they delve into the often-overlooked impact of societal norms on our self-esteem, particularly when it comes to financial matters, shedding light on the cultural biases that can erode our sense of self-worth.

Here are some key takeaways from this conversation:

  • Fred and Sam have an open and honest discussion about cultural agreements and fears around topics like debt, money, and death.

  • They explore how being in debt can negatively impact self-esteem due to cultural biases about money and worth.

  • They discuss the absurdity of fearing death when it's the only inevitable outcome in life.

  • Sam shares perspectives from Jiddu Krishnamurti on mistaking continuity for life and how death may be an interval rather than an ending.

  • Fred reveals he's going on a 4-day initiation ritual involving psychedelics to confront his mortality and transform limiting beliefs.

  • They emphasize questioning cultural assumptions and agreeing to ideas that disempower us, like needing to suffer through work just to pay off debt.

Overall it's a thought-provoking glimpse into how sane it is to question the collective insanity around things like debt, money, death, and cultural agreements in general.

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Dr. Fred Moss

Welcome to Humanity we’re out to transform mental illness conversations via Global Madness.


Ep.5 — [IN]Sanity Podcast with Teddy Saunders


Ep.3 — [IN]Sanity Podcast with Adam Quiney