Ep.7 — [IN]Sanity Podcast with Simon Severino

Simon Severino is a passionate advocate for a data-driven and evidence-based approach to running a business, a stark contrast to the prevalent reliance on assumptions and narratives. In a world where many entrepreneurs find themselves without the essential metrics needed to make informed decisions, he champions the idea of a "sprint" model that hinges on continuous small improvements, aiming for a 1% enhancement week by week. To embark on this journey, he encourages individuals to summon the courage to confront realities and ask the tough questions.

Here are some key takeaways from this conversation:

  • Simon emphasizes collecting data and evidence versus relying on assumptions and narratives when running a business. Many entrepreneurs lack key metrics on sales, marketing, operations to make informed decisions.

  • He advocates for a "sprint" model with continuous small improvements (1% per week), systems and routines to drive progress. This requires courage to face realities and ask difficult questions.

  • There was discussion around problems being opportunities for growth versus something to avoid. Simon sees problems as a chance for creativity and humanity to emerge when you engage deeply.

  • Simon aims to see the inner child and innate potential in his clients. He tries to create a space for "play" and possibility. This ties to his psychological background and fascination with human behavior.

  • The conversation explored themes of vulnerability, receiving help from others, introspection, and connecting to one's deeper purpose. Simon is on his own journey to know himself more fully.

There was appreciation for the authentic, thoughtful dialogue between the three of them. The discussion felt uplifting and human-centered.

In summary, Simon provides a unique perspective on business and life, emphasizing truth over assumptions, problems as opportunities, and the importance of self-knowledge and vulnerability. His insights aim to help entrepreneurs thrive in volatility.

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Dr. Fred Moss

Welcome to Humanity we’re out to transform mental illness conversations via Global Madness.


Ep.8 — [IN]Sanity Podcast with Steve Rubin


Ep.6 — [IN]Sanity Podcast with Jerrod Kerr