Ep.11 — [IN]Sanity Podcast with Neil Cannon

Welcome to [IN]Sanity Podcast Episode 11 with hosts Dr. Fred Moss and Sam Morris, featuring holistic health expert Neil Cannon. Discover the hidden link between chronic inflammation and health issues. Dive into the power of the mind-body connection, breaking habits, and conquering food addictions. This episode's friendly vibe and credible guest make it a must-listen for anyone seeking an entertaining, yet educational health podcast.

Here are some key takeaways from this episode:

  • Chronic inflammation as an underlying cause of many health conditions - Neil shares his personal story of overcoming 30 years of eczema by realizing it stemmed from chronic inflammation, and now helps others address the root causes of their illnesses. This could appeal to those struggling with inflammatory conditions.

  • The power of the mind-body connection - There is extensive discussion about the placebo and nocebo effects, and how our thoughts and beliefs can positively or negatively impact our health. This mind-body element could draw in those interested in the quantum realm, meditation, etc.

  • Breaking habitual patterns - They talk about becoming aware of unhelpful habitual thoughts and behaviors that reinforce inflammation and illness, and learning to "make the familiar unfamiliar." This could resonate with those seeking personal growth.

  • Overcoming food addictions - Sam shares great insights about how the body can become addicted to inflammatory foods, because that state becomes familiar. Tapping into the psychology of changing eating habits could be compelling.

  • Accessible, casual vibe - The irreverent humor and banter creates an informal atmosphere. This makes dense topics relatable. The tone could appeal to those turned off by overly academic, serious shows.

  • Credible expert guest - Featuring Neil, an established author/speaker on holistic health, lends credibility. His British accent also makes him memorable.

In summary, key elements like mindset work, habit change, and a friendly style could be highlighted to attract those seeking an entertaining but educational health podcast. Neil's expertise and the hosts' humor are strong selling points.

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Dr. Fred Moss

Welcome to Humanity we’re out to transform mental illness conversations via Global Madness.


Ep.12 — [IN]Sanity Podcast with Farsam Shadab


Ep.10 — [IN]Sanity Podcast with James Golding