
Rotary Club of Thai Town

Dr. Fred, a renowned psychiatrist and mental health professional with more than 30 years of experience, addresses the Rotary Club of Thai Town on the topic of finding and using one's true voice. He emphasizes the importance of authentic communication in personal and professional relationships and shares his journey from being a two-time college dropout to becoming a world-class psychiatrist.

Dr. Fred discusses the challenges and fears that prevent people from expressing themselves authentically and the transformative power of genuine communication. He also shares his experience of shifting his practice to focus on weaning patients off medication and promoting healing through communication.

The session includes a Q&A where Dr. Fred answers questions about dealing with depression, providing authentic support, and the importance of listening. He also shares information about his podcast "Welcome to Humanity" and expresses interest in conducting workshops for immigrant populations with language and cultural barriers.

The meeting concludes with announcements from other participants, gratitude for Dr. Fred's insights, and coordination for sending him a Rotary theme pin as a token of appreciation.


Get your FREE "FIND YOUR TRUE VOICE" book here: https://findyourtruevoicebook.com/

Enroll in the TRUE VOICE Course today: https://www.truevoicecourse.com/

Visit my website: https://welcometohumanity.net/


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