Discover Your Path to Fulfillment

Dr. Fred creates powerful and lasting transformations by leveraging nearly 40 years of psychiatric and clinical experience. Over the years, he has helped thousands of people to regain their voice, be heard and courageously embrace their own humanity, often without the use of medications or drug treatment. His methodology includes the possibility of powerfully removing or reconfiguring the conversations around mental illness diagnoses, and leaving the individual with a new sense of freedom that had come to appear unimaginable*. 

*Coaching Sessions are “mental health coaching” sessions; they are not licensed psychiatry appointments, medical appointments, nor a substitution for medical care. While Dr Fred certainly could give orders for medications, etc. he does not do this in these relationships, instead using a profound sense of human connection and exploration of new possibilities as a primary source of healing.


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From Our Clients

  • M.S. , Client

    “Dr. Fred had a way to really make me feel normal with whatever challenge I approached him with. He made me feel equal to my fellow humans without minimizing whatever problems I had. I am lucky to have talked to him when I did because I was going through a really hard time. He challenged me to make incremental steps to getting back on the road of being my best and creative self. I now have an empowering thought process to use for whenever I deal with things and I thank Dr. Fred for helping me realize that.”

  • N.M., Client

    “Dr Fred helped me get in touch with my mental strength and my spiritual endurance at a time of great transition and upheaval in my life. After seven years of helping my parents deal as powerfully as possible with Parkinson’s, I experienced a mental and emotional test like no other when I left my corporate management job to help my mom recover from a very severe fall. I hired Dr. Fred during an all-time high level of stress in my life and was able to help me bring my life into a new sense of order and well-being in the face of some of the greatest challenges and changes I’ve ever dealt with in my life. Our work together helped me build a bridge to a new level of sanity, serenity and peacefulness in my life. For that I will always be grateful.

  • R.P. , Client

    “Fred Moss is a rare individual. His methods are powerful and effective. He brings vast background and experiences not only as an MD, but also as an expert in transformational technologies that I don’t know of anyone else in the world who could possibly possess. He delivers his programs with a unique blend of warmth and humor while not stepping over anything that he thinks will make the difference fighting tooth and nail to have you have the life you want. When Fred is in your corner, you know it – it is palpable and prevailing his caring, compassion, confidence, and calmness in the eye of the storm that he has navigated many times with many people - and he takes on this sacred responsibility as if it is his life at stake, and things move. I worked with Fred over a period of a couple months and had breakthroughs in every area of my life: from my marriage to my career to my mental/physical well-being (and even my golf game). He gets to the heart of the matter quickly through impeccable listening and potent dialogue and his own well-honed, innovative techniques of pulling for one to ‘get it’.

  • J.R., Client

    “In the last semester of my senior year in High School, I began to have feelings of sadness and was questioning my own worth. Dr. Fred spoke with Dad, and they decided on beginning with 12 one-hour sessions. Within the first 6 sessions, I had developed the tools to overcome my depression. I went from the considerable low point of thinking about hurting myself to a state of recognizing myself as a wonderful person that has much to contribute. At that point, we could have ended our visits; instead, we decided to keep the remaining 6 sessions and use them to create the possibility of an extraordinarily excellent life. In the next sessions, I created new possibilities for my life that still excite and motivate me today. I cannot say enough great things about Dr. Fred! He is an amazing person and a funny guy who has always been there for me no matter what I needed. He was there for me and helped me concur my depression, and he was there to push me to strive for excellence. He opened doors for me that I didn’t even know were there. What I got from Dr. Fred is immeasurable!”