003 — Deep Survival with Laurence Gonzales

Dr. Fred’s conversation with Laurence Gonzales centers around a key question regarding our humanity. Why do smart people do stupid things? Moreover, once we’ve done something stupid, how can we recover, survive...and ultimately thrive? 

Laurence Gonzales’ interest in these questions drew him to study neuroscience and led him to eventually write an amazingly beautiful and enlightening book, Deep Survival: Who Lives, Who Dies, and Why

In this downright remarkable discussion, you will learn:

  • What IKEA furniture reveals about our humanity

  • How "training scars" can be dangerous...even fatal.

  • What your reaction in a traffic jam says about you

  • The most important first thing to do when calamity strikes

  • How to manage the see-saw of Emotion and Reason

  • The role of luck and humility in survival

  • Why something as seemingly unimportant as looking at trees can be extremely productive for your survival

  • The life-saving power of doing the next right thing

This is one not-to-be-missed episode! 

The wisdom shared here can surely help you to improve your life. And it just might save your life, too. 

Dr. Fred Moss

Welcome to Humanity we’re out to transform mental illness conversations via Global Madness.


004 — Be Yourself & Be Happy with Isabella Levesque


002 — Exposing the Myths of Mental Illness with Robert Whitaker