011 — Every Moment Is An Opportunity with Paul Dolman


Writer and host of What Matters Most podcast joins Dr. Fred for a delightful conversation about the things that matter most to Paul Dolman. Paul is the author of several books, including Hitchhiking With Larry David, based on a true story of the day Paul found that the driver who slowed down to pick him up in Martha’s Vineyard was none other than Larry David himself. 

Paul’s joy in living and love of humanity is palpable and contagious, while simultaneously grounded. 

Here’s a taste of just some of what Dr. Fred and Paul Dolman discuss on this episode:

  • The importance of contrast between light and dark

  • How to deal with "darkness" in the world

  • The importance of gratitude

  • Paul's suggestions for those on the edge of despair

  • A super-simple way to get started with mediation

  • How our perspective shapes our experience

  • Why Paul doesn’t spend much time planning

If you could use a change of perspective, or the opportunity to rediscover your joie de vivre, Dr. Fred’s conversation with Paul Dolman might be just your ticket. 

Dr. Fred Moss

Welcome to Humanity we’re out to transform mental illness conversations via Global Madness.


012 — “The Future ‘You’ Awaits” with Sanyika “The Firestarter” Street


010 — More Empowered, Less Confused with Geraldine Convento