026 — What REALLY Makes Us Happy with Mitzi Perdue

Today’s fascinating guest is the daughter of the President and Founder of the Sheraton hotel chain, and wife of the late Frank Perdue, second generation of the famed poultry company that today operates in more than 50 countries. An entrepreneur herself, Mitzi founded CERES Farms in 1974, a vineyard selling grapes to some of today’s most well-known wine brands. 

In 2019, Mitizi attended a lecture about human trafficking that deeply troubled her. With a desire to be part of the solution to this atrocity, she went on that same year to found an organization called Win This Fight. 

A woman still committed to making a huge difference at 79 years of age, today’s conversation barely scratches the surface of everything Mitz has done and continues to do. 

In today’s inspiring conversation, you’ll hear Dr. Fred and Mitzi Perdue speak about:

  • An epiphany concerning the purpose of life Mitizi had one day while experiencing “runner’s high”

  • The crucial statement Mitzi’s father made about money that was seared into her brain and heart

  • How Mitzi uses her resources and talents to increase happiness and decrease misery

  • A profound quote from Mother Teresa...and the beautiful story behind it

  • What Mitzi is doing to combat human trafficking, and how it has the potential to raise $100 million

  • How Mitzi’s charity ensures that funds donated will only go to credible anti-human trafficking organizations

  • A shocking revelation about a well-funded “charity” that’s actually wants to stop traffickers from getting prosecuted

  • The movie-like story of how Mitzi was gifted a 69-karat ruby as a donation

  • The three ways organizations attempt to fight human trafficking—and an exciting global project that’s attempting to discover the most powerful methods

  • What Plato, Martin Luther King Jr…. and Mitzi’s mom have to say about success

Episode Length: 58:22


Mitzi’s Website > mitziperdue.com

Mitzi’s Anti-Human Trafficking Organization, Win This Fight > WinThisFight.org



Also Mentioned On this Episode >

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals > sdgs.un.org/goals

(The UN SDGs were also discussed on Episode 001 with Sara Safari)


Podcast Website >  www.welcometohumanity.net/podcast

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PURCHASE THE BOOK (paperback or Kindle) > Creative 8: Healing Through Creativity & Self-Expression by Dr. Fred Moss www.amazon.com/Creative-Healing-Through-Creativity-Self-Expression/dp/B088N7YVMG

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Dr. Fred Moss

Welcome to Humanity we’re out to transform mental illness conversations via Global Madness.


027 — We Are One People with Attorney Rita Tucker Williams


025 — Success On Your Own Terms with Sean Rimokh