031 — How Deeply Can You Listen? with Harvey Ruderian

Harvey Ruderian is a Rolfer with a full-time practice in Santa Monica, CA. After experiencing a series of transmutational healings and transformational awakenings, he enrolled in massage school in 1971 and began a lifelong journey as a student and practitioner of the healing arts.

Harvey has had the privilege of studying and mentoring with many of the pioneers in the somatic field, including Dr. Ida Rolf, Judith Aston, and host of Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine (DO), including John Upledger, Hugh Milne, Jean Pierre Barral, and Alain Gehin.

Harvey also spent years attending training workshops and other experiences stemming from the Human Potential Movement.

Listen deeply to today’s mesmerizing episode, and catch insights from Harvey and Dr. Fred regarding:

  • How we are all “born in harmony” (and what happens next....)

  • Deep listening as an entry point to your journey

  • The alchemy of being heard (and hearing others)

  • A critical difference between acknowledging someone for who they are, rather than what they do

  • How the Human Potential Movement grew out of the Anti-War movement in the 1960s

  • Discovering the yes! on the other side of your no!

  • The field of bioenergetics

  • Embryogenesis—a miracle, and a mystery

  • The power of making agreements (including, and especially, with yourself)

  • Why Harvey says service is the most selfish thing you can do!

Episode Length: 01:07:38


Book > The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk M.D.

Transformational Workshop / Training > Landmark Worldwide


Podcast Website >  www.welcometohumanity.net/podcast

PURCHASE DR. FRED’S BOOK (paperback or Kindle) > Creative 8: Healing Through Creativity & Self-Expression by Dr. Fred Moss www.amazon.com/Creative-Healing-Through-Creativity-Self-Expression/dp/B088N7YVMG

FEEDBACK  > welcometohumanity.net/contact

Dr. Fred Moss

Welcome to Humanity we’re out to transform mental illness conversations via Global Madness.


032 — An Artist's Invitation to Belong with Andrea Fono


030 — Sharing Your Human Side with Mitch Jackson