Let us increase happiness and decrease misery with Mitzi Perdue #13 - Welcome To Humanity

“It's immoral to be discouraged by the magnitude of the problem.”

Mitzi Perdue is a businesswoman, author, and anti-human trafficking advocate. She is a past president of the 40,000 member American Agri-Women and was a U.S. Delegate to the United Nations Conference on Women in Nairobi. She founded the anti-trafficking organization, Win This Fight, and today is a global speaker on the subject.

Mitzi and Fred start a conversation about the problems that our world is experiencing right now. Mitzi discusses one of them is human trafficking and how poverty significantly results in modern time slavery. She dreams that someone who reads her books and articles will also take even a small step to help prevent slavery.


Tune in to the show now to explore:

  • The big problems that our world is facing now

  • Discrimination and racism

  • What drives your life today?

  • Focusing on human trafficking

  • What is present time slavery?

  • The evil of poverty that affects the lives of many

  • Is it money that is silencing the entire community?


[00:57] Introduction to Mitzi Perdue

[03:58] What drives your life?

[04:22] What is human trafficking?

[06:16] How serious is the issue of human trafficking?

[09:34] Optimist Foundation

[12:52] Does Antisocial Personality Disorder lead someone to do human trafficking?

[13:55] Profit statistics of a trafficker

[15:57] The dark shadow behind a child bride

[17:45] Ways on how to sell a child

[21:52] What does an Aesthetician do?

[29:35] What can a listener contribute to preventing modern slavery?

[31:44] The good that we can do now, we must do it now.

[37:30] Appreciation message

Connect with Mitzi Perdue:

Website - personal website

Website - Psychology today

Text her WIN to 55312 and that will automatically get you signed up for her blog


Podcast Website >  http://www.welcometohumanity.net/podcast

PURCHASE DR. FRED’S BOOK (paperback or Kindle) > Creative 8: Healing Through Creativity & Self-Expression by Dr. Fred Moss http://www.amazon.com/Creative-Healing-Through-Creativity-Self-Expression/dp/B088N7YVMG

FEEDBACK  > http://www.welcometohumanity.net/contact

Dr. Fred Moss

Welcome to Humanity we’re out to transform mental illness conversations via Global Madness.


Learning of Who You Are with Jake Appleton (co-host with Sam Morris) #14 - Welcome To Humanity


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