THH044—Born to Teach Love

Welcome to "The Healthy Healer" podcast. I'm your host, Dr. Fred Moss. Through sustained conversations, we delve deep into the journeys of healers who've found their purpose after personal transformation. Many enter the healing profession with aspirations only to grapple with reality—endless training, unexpected responsibilities, and even disillusionment. But there are those who rise above, harnessing personal healing and rediscovering their passion. Our podcast features these inspiring souls who've returned to the healing profession, stronger and more aligned than ever. Join us for riveting conversations that shed light on the true essence of healing and the incredible individuals who've redefined their paths.

Here are some key takeaways from this follow-up episode:

  • Helena Summer epitomizes someone born to teach love, as it is clear she knows the difference between hate and love from lived experience.

  • She helps people connect to the essence of love within themselves, not just teach strategies for finding relationships.

  • Her traumatic experiences, including being a refugee, led her to confront the hatred in her own heart and start teaching love.

  • She sees love as involving playfulness, interest, magic, purity, gentleness, aliveness, comfort, harmony - not just infatuation.

  • Her message is to "live delicious" - fully open to love, not bogged down in negativity.

  • Dr. Fred is inspired to more deeply explore being a loving, beautiful human being.

  • The essence is that we all have access to infinite love if we can remove obstacles like distraction and survival patterns.

  • Tapping into love can be a foundation for all of life's experiences and relationships.

We invite you listeners to explore embodying more love in your lives.

The main themes are the difference between surface and essence when it comes to love, love as a healing force, and taking steps to more fully embody love. Helena models accessing inner wisdom about love even from hardship.

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Dr. Fred Moss

Welcome to Humanity we’re out to transform mental illness conversations via Global Madness.

THH045—Daniel Packard: Anxiety is NOT what you THINK it is... and it is CURABLE!


THH043—Helena Summer: I Love, Therefore I Am