THH096—What does Inside Out Healing Look Like from Out Here?

In this recap episode, Dr. Fred shares key insights from his recent interview with Karen Maloney, an "Inside-Out Coach." They explore the transformative concept of healing from within, discussing ancient modalities and the release of trapped emotions. Dr. Fred emphasizes the potential for a more peaceful baseline, even in seemingly unchangeable circumstances.


Here are some key takeaways for this recap episode:

  • Explore the concept of "inside out" healing - the idea that healing and peace begin from within. By doing inner work to release trauma, we can "fall back naturally" into a peaceful, joyful state of being. 

  • ⁠There are ancient healing modalities that can facilitate this inner work and release trapped emotions/trauma, leading to outer manifestations of healing. Karen Maloney draws on these traditions in her own healing work.

  • ⁠Even if we think life "just is what it is," we may be surviving in an anxious state without realizing our baseline could be more peaceful. Doing inner healing work can reveal a richer life we didn't know was possible.  

  • Karen helps women specifically release pain/trauma through inner work. As an "inside out coach," she has walked this path herself, healing from difficult life events and upgrading her own capacity for peace.


Join us as we uncover how inner healing work can reshape our external reality and lead to a richer, more joyful life. 

What does inside-out healing look like for you? What outer manifestations have you experienced from doing your own inner work? Discussion welcome in the comments!

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Dr. Fred Moss

Welcome to Humanity we’re out to transform mental illness conversations via Global Madness.

THH097—Benedick Howard: Sacred Scientist In Harmony with Sound and Nature


THH095—Karen Maloney: Healing from the Inside Out