THH098— Sound, Geometry and Nature as One-in-the-Same Healing Tools

In this solo reflection episode, Dr. Fred delves into the intricate connections between sound, geometry, and nature as powerful tools for healing. From Benedick's journey as a sacred scientist to his advocacy for unconventional learning and longevity coaching, Dr. Fred unpacks the profound insights shared during their discussion. Join us as we explore the transformative potential of holistic healing practices, challenge conventional wisdom, and embrace authenticity on the path to well-being.


Here are some key takeaways from the solo podcast:

  • Dr. Fred reflects on his recent conversation with Benedick Howard, a Hawaiian man deeply involved in exploring the intersections of sound, geometry, and nature in healing practices.

  • ⁠Benedick explored unconventional education paths which taught him exponentially more than the standard educational system. He sees himself as a "troubled child" who challenged the interface between what society teaches us and deeper truths.

  • ⁠His worldview changed through experiences like working deep underground in Canadian mines, where he connected with earth energies and animals/plants. He realized nature serves us in unexpected ways beyond what conventional education teaches. 

  • Now 72, Benedick climbs Hawaiian mountain peaks, practices yoga, hosts community gatherings, and podcasts. As a "longevity coach" he pushes physical limits while exposing medical/societal myths.  

  • He is fascinated by "antenna" capacity of geometric shapes like the dodecahedron to access universal energies. This contrasts pyramid shapes that lock things down rather than liberate.

  • Explore what parts of your life are inconsistent with your essence. Let those parts go and discover opportunities for self/collective healing aligned with core truths. 

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Dr. Fred Moss

Welcome to Humanity we’re out to transform mental illness conversations via Global Madness.

THH099—Jeanne Bessette: Transforming Our Creative Spirit with a Visionary Artist


THH097—Benedick Howard: Sacred Scientist In Harmony with Sound and Nature