THH099—Jeanne Bessette: Transforming Our Creative Spirit with a Visionary Artist

In this episode, Dr. Fred Moss is with visionary artist, Jeanne Bessette who takes listeners on a transformative journey of reconnecting with her soul's purpose through her art. Renowned as a conscious visionary and mystical badass residing in Asheville, North Carolina, Bessette shares her evolution from commercial success to creating art that channels higher frequencies and emotionally impacts viewers. She discusses infusing specific energies into her paintings through meditation, acting as a bridge between the spiritual and material realms. Highlighting her latest project, "Gaia Rising," Bessette aims to elevate collective consciousness about humanity's relationship with the planet through impactful holographic murals. Throughout the interview, she emphasizes the importance of aligning with one's soul's purpose, transcending conventional notions of success, and encourages aspiring artists to follow their heart's wisdom as they share their gifts with the world.

Key takeaways for this interview: ⁠

  • Bessette explains how she left the gallery system to evolve beyond creating art that just sells, allowing her work to channel higher frequencies that emotionally impact viewers. 

  • She describes her process of infusing specific energies into her paintings through meditation, acting as an interpreter between the spiritual and material realms.

  • Her new project "Gaia Rising" aims to raise collective consciousness about humanity's relationship with the planet through impactful holographic murals.

  • Bessette stresses the importance of knowing your "why" as an artist - connecting to your soul's purpose and higher values guides your path beyond notions of success and failure. 

  • She encourages aspiring artists to keep following their heart's wisdom, which knows the way as they unfurl their gifts to the world.





Show Notes:

  • Becoming a healthy healer with Jean from Asheville, NC. 0:03

  • Personal growth and healing with a "divine traveler". 1:04

  • Creativity, flow, and synchronicity in life. 5:25

  • Core values and decision-making in midlife. 9:46

  • Art, creativity, and spiritual growth. 14:25

  • Art, creativity, and spirituality. 19:09

  • Art, spirituality, and activism with a focus on evolution and making a positive impact. 24:13

  • Creativity, failure, and personal growth. 30:04

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Dr. Fred Moss

Welcome to Humanity we’re out to transform mental illness conversations via Global Madness.

THH100—Creativity as a Supreme Healing Tool-Exploring Conscious Artistry


THH098— Sound, Geometry and Nature as One-in-the-Same Healing Tools