THH106—Loss of Safety is Where the Damage Began

In this follow-up episode, Dr. Fred Moss delves into the profound insights and revelations stemming from his recent conversation with Jessie Torres, a remarkable individual who triumphed over childhood adversity to become a beacon of transformational wisdom as a life coach.

Reflecting on Jessie's journey, Dr. Fred highlights the universal truth that amidst life's trials, our innate grace and wholeness often become obscured by layers of trauma-induced fear and self-limiting beliefs. Drawing from Jessie's "Fierce Grace" methodology, which guides individuals to confront and transcend their core wounds, Dr. Fred shares his own personal revelations, illustrating how confronting past traumas can catalyze profound inner growth and empowerment.

Join us as we explore the transformative power of reclaiming our authenticity and courageously embracing life's challenges on the path to true healing and fulfillment.


Key takeaways from this solo episode:

  • Dr. Fred, speaking from his own insights and experiences, emphasizes the transformative power of overcoming trauma. Through his conversation with Jessie, who has faced significant hardships, including abuse and loss, he highlights the ability to transmute negative experiences into positive growth. Jessie's journey illustrates how embracing one's inner strength and grace can lead to profound personal evolution.

  • Dr. Fred underscores the importance of meaningful dialogue in healing. He suggests that healing doesn't require formal qualifications but rather a deep empathy and understanding of humanity. By engaging in powerful conversations that acknowledge and uplift others' inherent qualities, healing and purposeful living can emerge.

  • Reflecting on his own childhood fear and avoidance, Dr. Fred recognizes how past traumas can subtly influence present behaviors and decisions. His story of fearing "Wayne, the safety boy" highlights the lasting effects of childhood experiences on adult life. This introspection prompts listeners to consider their own past traumas and their potential impact on current challenges.


In essence, Dr. Fred emphasizes the universality of trauma, the transformative power of resilience, and the importance of compassionate conversation in fostering healing and personal growth.

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Dr. Fred Moss

Welcome to Humanity we’re out to transform mental illness conversations via Global Madness.

THH107—Monique Hoving-Smeets: GodSmacked with One Eye Open


THH105—Jessie Torres: We Can Unite as an Army of Angels