THH107—Monique Hoving-Smeets: GodSmacked with One Eye Open

In this episode of the Healthy Healer podcast, hosted by Dr. Fred Moss, Monique Hoving-Smeets, a Canadian Certified Counsellor specializing in trauma therapy, unveils her groundbreaking T.R.I.P approach. With a background spanning multiple countries and languages, Monique's journey led her to develop a unique therapy method combining eye movements, attachment theory, parts work, and somatic processing. Through covering one eye at a time, Monique uncovers deep-seated traumas and disconnected parts of the self, offering profound insights into the brain's coping mechanisms and pathways to healing. Early research suggests promising results in resolving complex trauma and chronic somatic conditions. This episode delves into Monique's innovative approach and its potential to transform therapeutic outcomes.

Takeaway points from this interview:

  • Monique Hoving-Smeets discusses her innovative "TRIP" trauma therapy approach that integrates eye movements, attachment theory, parts work, and somatic processing.

  • ⁠By having clients cover one eye at a time, Monique discovered profound differences in how the brain and nervous system perceive the world based on past traumatic experiences. 

  • Covering one eye can bring forward specific "parts" or ages from when traumas occurred, with conflicting drives to stay connected vs. protected playing out through the different eyes/parts.

  • The approach allows accessing and integrating dissociated parts of the self that have been "stuck" and disconnected from present reality due to trauma.

  • ⁠Monique shares striking examples of how covering each eye revealed vastly different perceptions, ages, and even lack of awareness of major life events for the same client.

  • Early research is showing promising results in helping resolve complex trauma and chronic somatic conditions through this multi-component mind-body method.

  • ⁠Monique expresses amazement at the brain's capacity for such profound compartmentalization as a survival mechanism, which her approach can begin to harmonize.





Show Notes:

  • Alternative healing methods with Monique Hoving. 0:00

  • Trauma therapy and attachment-based approach. 0:56

  • Eye-brain techniques for processing trauma and personal growth. 5:51

  • Eye distortion and trauma's impact on brain and nervous system. 10:22

  • Eye movement therapy for trauma resolution. 14:35

  • Internal conflict and healing from trauma. 19:20

  • The impact of covering one eye on nervous system function. 25:42

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THH108—TRIPing over a method that works to heal is a THING!


THH106—Loss of Safety is Where the Damage Began