THH112—Changing Courses in Mid Stream, When Life Actually Leads You to Your Purpose

In this follow-up episode, Dr. Fred reflects on his earlier conversation with Dr. George Ackerman and how life's unexpected paths can lead us to our true purpose. He shares his own journey of starting off pre-med, leaving school, then later returning to become a psychiatrist, coach, author and now back to practicing psychiatry again - all guided by a desire to deeply connect with others through conversation.

Dr. Fred poses the question of whether we are truly living aligned with our core selves and open to the nudges the universe provides, even if it means changing directions mid-stream. He cites Dr. Ackerman as someone who did just that - going from law enforcement and advocacy for crime victims to becoming a powerful voice raising awareness about Parkinson's disease after caring for his mother with the condition. 

The overarching message is to pay attention when life presents tribulations or callings that seem to divert us from our intended paths. These upheavals may actually be guideposts steering us towards our ultimate purpose in service of our authentic selves and the greater good. Dr. Fred invites listeners to share their own experiences of having to change courses to find deeper meaning.

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THH113—Dr. Romi Fung: The Earlier, the Better


THH111—Dr. George Ackerman: Advocating for the End of Parkinson's With His Soul