THH113—Dr. Romi Fung: The Earlier, the Better

In this engaging episode, Dr. Fred interviews Dr. Romi Fung, a naturopathic physician from British Columbia, Canada, who specializes in cognitive decline, dementia, and optimizing cognitive well-being through natural means. Dr. Fung shares his inspiring journey from overcoming mental health challenges and a sensitive gag reflex in his youth to discovering naturopathic medicine.

The conversation delves into fascinating topics surrounding cognitive decline, including the role of lifestyle factors, diet, inflammation, sleep, and detoxification. Dr. Fung highlights the importance of addressing the root causes and looking at the body as a whole system, rather than just treating the diagnosis.

Drawing from the remarkable longevity and cognitive health observed in "Blue Zones" like Okinawa, Japan, Dr. Fung emphasizes that up to half of cognitive decline cases may be preventable through lifestyle modifications. He also discusses the potential for mitigating and even reversing cognitive decline in some cases through a holistic approach.

Throughout the episode, Dr. Fung offers insightful perspectives on the role of medications, the challenges of polypharmacy, and the need for collaboration among healthcare practitioners. His parting advice? "The earlier, the better" when seeking help for cognitive decline, as early intervention can significantly impact the prognosis.





IG: @DrRomiFungND



Show Notes:

  • Cognitive decline prevention and blue zones for optimal brain health. 0:05

  • Preventing cognitive decline through lifestyle changes, including diet, exercise, sleep, and stress management. 4:49

  • Medications' roles in dementia prevention, including antidepressants, anti-anxiety agents, and thyroid medication. 9:25

  • Medications for dementia, including Aricept, Exelon, and Namenda, with a focus on their effectiveness and potential ris 12:51

  • Challenges in conventional medicine, including polypharmacy and lack of collaboration among clinicians. 16:48

  • Mental health, cognitive decline, and naturopathic medicine. 20:36

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THH114—Cognitive Decline has Multiple Root Causes


THH112—Changing Courses in Mid Stream, When Life Actually Leads You to Your Purpose