THH116—Tarot Cards: I Got Mine Today...Did You?

In this short episode, Dr. Fred reflects on his recent podcast interview with Rachel Fiorentino, a nurse and tarot card reader. He expresses his newfound appreciation for tarot cards as a powerful tool for self-discovery and healing.

Dr. Fred shares the insights he gained from the tarot card readings Rachel gave him during the podcast. The first reading revealed that he relies too heavily on his intellect, represented by the swords, and needs to listen more to his heart, represented by the Ace of Cups.

The second reading, featuring the Devil, the Hangman, and the High Priestess cards, resonated with Dr. Fred's role as "the Undoctor" - someone who challenges conventional narratives around mental illness. It encouraged him to shed his ego, embrace his unique perspective, and follow his intuition on a path towards self-actualization.

Dr. Fred discusses how this experience aligns with his recent studies of Carl Rogers, Irvin Yalom, and mindfulness meditation, all guiding him towards self-actualization and transforming the conversation around mental health.

He invites listeners to be open-minded about tarot cards, just as practices like meditation and yoga were once considered "woo-woo" but are now mainstream. Dr. Fred sees tarot as a beautiful way to tap into the subconscious, unconscious, and super-conscious aspects of ourselves on the journey of self-discovery.

Overall, the episode promotes an appreciation for tarot cards as a valuable healing modality and encourages listeners to explore Rachel's upcoming full podcast interview.

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THH117—Dr. Hal Blatman: Spreading the Word to Help Mankind Get Out of Pain


THH115—Rachel Fiorentino: Tarot Cards- The Time to Respect this Woo-Woo Art is NOW!