THH117—Dr. Hal Blatman: Spreading the Word to Help Mankind Get Out of Pain

In this fascinating episode, Dr. Fred interviews his longtime friend Dr. Hal Blatman, a pioneering physician who shares his revolutionary "five rules" that debunk much of what is traditionally taught about the origins of pain. Blatman claims chronic pain actually stems from restrictions in the body's connective fascia that are triggered by inflammatory foods like:

•⁠ ⁠Gluten

•⁠ ⁠Dairy

•⁠ ⁠Sugar

He provides actionable tips for listeners, like accessing his "do not eat" list to try reducing inflammation at home. Blatman details how progressively eliminating these inflammatory foods over decades led to significant improvements in his own struggles with chronic pain conditions like:

•⁠ ⁠Back pain

•⁠ ⁠Migraines

•⁠ ⁠And others

He boldly argues that mainstream medicine's approach has it wrong - suggesting surgery, drugs, and other invasive treatments are often unnecessary. Instead, Blatman advocates for a fundamentally new way of understanding and treating chronic pain:

•⁠ ⁠Directly treating the fascia restrictions through hands-on therapy

•⁠ ⁠Changing one's diet to reduce inflammation

His eye-opening perspective presents potential dietary and lifestyle changes as the keys to addressing the underlying causes, rather than just masking symptoms. It's a must-listen for anyone suffering from stubborn chronic pain conditions.


Winner’s Guide to Pain Relief:

Get the 'Do Not Eat List' Starter Guide:





Time stamps:

00:00 Introduction to The Healthy Healer

00:30 Meet Dr. Hal Blatman

00:38 Reconnecting with an Old Friend

02:24 Understanding Pain and Its Misconceptions

06:49 The Five Rules of Pain

10:46 Practical Advice for Pain Relief

23:56 Hal Blatman's Journey and Insights

29:57 Final Thoughts and Farewell

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THH118—When What You Were Taught While You Were Eager to Learn… is NOT the TRUTH!


THH116—Tarot Cards: I Got Mine Today...Did You?