THH108—TRIPing over a method that works to heal is a THING!

Welcome to a succinct recap from Dr. Fred, offering his unique insights, opinions, and ideas stemming from a recent podcast interview with Monique Hoving-Smeets over a method that works to heal is a THING! In this brief overview, Dr. Fred shares his reflections on Monique's innovative "TRIP" approach and its resonance with his own therapeutic journey. Let's delve into Dr. Fred's additional perspectives on this intriguing discussion.

Key takeaways from this solo recap:

  • Like Monique, Dr. Fred developed his own therapeutic "Moss Method" organically through experience and seeing what works, rather than following a prescribed methodology.

  • ⁠He expresses amazement at Monique's discovery that simply covering one eye can radically shift one's perception of the world, revealing dissociated parts of the self related to past traumas.

  • Dr. Fred finds Monique's findings inspirational and is curious to potentially experience her TRIP approach himself in the future.

  • ⁠A core principle Dr. Fred has arrived at through his 44 years in mental health is that genuine human connection is at the heart of all true healing.

  • He emphasizes using authentic communication to resonate at a higher frequency and harmonically connect with others, which allows profound healing to occur naturally without needing advanced degrees.

  • ⁠The key is reaching out with one's true, core self to create resonant connections with others - this is the essence of his "Welcome to Humanity" and "True Voice" approaches.

The main takeaway is Dr. Fred's appreciation for therapeutic models like Monique's that emerge organically from direct experience, and his belief in the healing power of authentic human relatedness over rigid methodologies.

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THH109—Margie Breault: How Polarity and Natural Law Can Liberate Us from Suffering


THH107—Monique Hoving-Smeets: GodSmacked with One Eye Open