007 — Thinking Like Leonardo da Vinci with Michael Gelb


A healer, a famous juggler, and a creativity expert. While it sounds like the set-up for another “walks-into-a-bar” joke, this combination only scratches the surface of what we find when we encounter a man named Michael Gelb. We can add to the list 5th-degree black belt in Akido, colleague of Tony Buzan (creator of the mind map), and Alexander Technique practitioner. 

In today’s conversation, Dr. Fred invites Michael Gelb to peel back several layers of the onion and reveal how he became the man he is today. 

Here is some of what you’ll hear Dr. Fred and Michael Gelb discuss:

  • What is the Alexander Technique?

  • Why is it so popular with musicians, actors, and other performers?

  • Michael’s collaboration with Tony Buzan, the creator of mind mapping

  • The value of separating the processes of creating and organizing

  • Michael’s inspiration for his bestselling book How To Think Like Leonardo da Vinci 

  • The different ways to treat your Circle of Concern and your Circle of Influence

  • The most profound secret for letting higher wisdom and real creativity flow through you

  • Did Leonardo da Vinci “predict” the internet?

Dr. Fred Moss

Welcome to Humanity we’re out to transform mental illness conversations via Global Madness.


008 — Advocate for Humanity with Dennis Sandow


006 — Slaying the Separation Demon with Kurt Krueger