009 — Dancing With the Uncertainties of the World with Spring Cheng


After moving from China to the United States and beginning a career in biotech, Spring Cheng felt a desire to reconnect to her native cultural roots and began studying Traditional Chinese Medicine. Eventually studying Taoism, she reimagined it as a modern leadership development tool, which led to the birth of the Resonance Path Institute, and the publishing of her gorgeous book, The Resonance Code

Here’s some of what Dr. Fred and Spring Cheng discuss on this episode:

  • The role of Qigong in Spring’s discovery of her gift for healing

  • Why Spring believes the ability to heal is possible for most people

  • The cultural forces that make the healing arts rare in Western culture

  • The striking connection between the ancient I Ching and the structure of DNA

  • How biological diversity leads people to experience the world differently

  • A unique island community Spring works with that exhibits deeply connected “tribal life” in a modern setting

  • How Resonance Code can help us learn to “resonate with the energies around us”

Dr. Fred Moss

Welcome to Humanity we’re out to transform mental illness conversations via Global Madness.


010 — More Empowered, Less Confused with Geraldine Convento


008 — Advocate for Humanity with Dennis Sandow