019 — A World We’re Proud Of with Peter Fiekowsky


Peter Fiekowsky is a leader in multiple climate initiatives, including the Foundation for Climate Restoration, of which he Co-Founder and Chairman.

An MIT-trained physicist and entrepreneur with twenty-seven patents, Peter is driven by a personal mission: “to leave a world we're proud of for our children.” More than a lofty aspiration, Peter operationalized his mission with a life goal of bringing atmospheric CO2 down to 300 parts per million and restoring Arctic ice by 2050. 

On today’s show, Peter explains that these aspirations are actually achievable, and addresses the barriers to success that must be overcome.

Join Dr. Fred and Peter at the “drafting table” as they discuss:

  • The source of “healthy pride”

  • How our DNA is related to the climate

  • Why climate is more about HUMANITY than science

  • What humans do when they feel threatened

  • How tribalism informs human behavior (even today)

  • Planet Earth’s historical “solution” for excess CO2

  • The promise of synthetic limestone in climate restoration

  • What it means to declare I Am Humanity

Episode Length: 43:16


Foundation for Climate Restoration

> Twitter  twitter.com/f4cr2050

> Facebook  www.facebook.com/foundationforclimaterestoration

> Instagram www.instagram.com/f4cr2050/

> LinkedIn> www.linkedin.com/company/foundation-for-climate-restoration

Health Climate Alliance > YouTube Channel

Peter’s LinkedIn > www.linkedin.com/in/pfiekowsky

Also Mentioned On Today’s Show >

Conference for Global Transformation


Podcast Website >  www.welcometohumanity.net/podcast

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PURCHASE THE BOOK (paperback or Kindle) > Creative 8: Healing Through Creativity & Self-Expression by Dr. Fred Moss www.amazon.com/Creative-Healing-Through-Creativity-Self-Expression/dp/B088N7YVMG

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Dr. Fred Moss

Welcome to Humanity we’re out to transform mental illness conversations via Global Madness.


020 — Changing Your Stars with Bill Schuffenhauer


018 — The Miracle of Homeopathic Medicine with Robert Field