060 — Gratitude Leads to Joy with Jurni Roco


On today’s show, Dr. Fred conducts a rare in-person interview, with his guest, Jurni Roco. Jurni is known as a dancer and teacher, specializing in Argentinian Tango. Jurni’s life's mission is based around giving people opportunities to grow. 

As often happens on the Welcome To Humanity podcast, today’s conversation delves into a plethora of topics, including the following:

  • How the coronavirus “pause” affected Jurni's relationship with self, community, and various modes of artistic expression. 

  • Re-discovering the joy of playing a musical instrument

  • The improvisation of Argentine Tango, and how it relates to everyday life

  • Why Dr. Fred calls Jurni "astonishingly unstoppable in the face of no agreement"

  • How Jurni's experience of gender grew over time, leading to an eventual identification as transgender

  • Being free of dualities in all areas of life (e.g., dancer / non-dancer)

  • The liberating value of not worrying about other people's thoughts and expectations 

  • Why Jurni is not shocked or surprised that some people don't accept transgenders

  • Appreciating that people differently experience the world and their place in it 

  • Gratitude as the key to joy

  • Bringing gratitude to everything...even finding humor when things "go wrong" 

Episode Length: 01:02:39


Facebook > https://www.facebook.com/joan.m.roco

Email > joanroco70 at gmail dot com


Podcast Website >  http://www.welcometohumanity.net/podcast

PURCHASE DR. FRED’S BOOK (paperback or Kindle) > Creative 8: Healing Through Creativity & Self-Expression by Dr. Fred Moss http://www.amazon.com/Creative-Healing-Through-Creativity-Self-Expression/dp/B088N7YVMG

FEEDBACK  > http://www.welcometohumanity.net/contact

Dr. Fred Moss

Welcome to Humanity we’re out to transform mental illness conversations via Global Madness.


061 — A Name To Live Up To with Dr. Zail Khalsa


059 — In Session with Dr. Fred ~ Radical Acceptance