
Rotary Club of Folsom Lake

In this inspiring speech delivered to the Rotary Club of Folsom Lake, Dr. Fred Moss, a renowned psychiatrist and mental health advocate, delves into the power of authentic self-expression and its role in personal and societal well-being. Drawing from his decades of experience in psychiatry, Dr. Fred shares his transformational journey—how he moved away from traditional medication-based treatment and embraced a more human-centered approach, focused on fostering genuine conversations and deep connections with his patients.

Dr. Fred emphasizes how societal pressures often cause individuals to suppress their true selves, hindering both effective communication and personal growth. He shares personal anecdotes and professional insights, illustrating the profound impact that authentic communication has on mental health and overall well-being.

Throughout the speech, Dr. Fred challenges the audience to reflect on where they might be holding back from expressing their true selves. He offers practical principles for embracing authentic expression and encourages everyone to cultivate their true voice as a pathway to overcoming life’s challenges and resolving conflicts.

In addition to his personal and professional reflections, Dr. Fred invites the audience to explore his latest book and participate in his upcoming summit, designed to empower individuals to reconnect with their authentic selves. As part of the summit, Dr. Fred is also raising funds for Ukrainian refugees, highlighting the global importance of fostering understanding, compassion, and communication in these challenging times.


Get your FREE "FIND YOUR TRUE VOICE" book here: https://findyourtruevoicebook.com/

Enroll in the TRUE VOICE Course today: https://www.truevoicecourse.com/

Visit my website: https://welcometohumanity.net/


Rotary Club of Des Moines Normandy Park


Rotary Club of Pacific Palisades