
Rotary Club of Pacific Palisades

In this impactful speech at the Rotary Club of Pacific Palisades, I dive deep into my transition from medicating psychiatrist to becoming "The Undoctor." I discuss the societal costs of mental illness and restricted access to mental health services, emphasizing the importance of finding one’s true voice. By focusing on authentic communication, I’ve seen how unmedicating patients can lead to real healing. I share my personal journey, from my upbringing to professional experiences, explaining how I became disillusioned with psychiatry’s reliance on medication. My "true voice moment" came when I chose to prioritize connection and communication over pills, helping patients reclaim their lives.

I also highlight the importance of authenticity, not just for personal healing but for resolving global issues. The collective loss of true voices is one of humanity’s greatest threats. I close by offering my book "Find Your True Voice" and inviting the audience to embrace their authentic voices for individual and societal change.


Get your FREE "FIND YOUR TRUE VOICE" book here: https://findyourtruevoicebook.com/

Enroll in the TRUE VOICE Course today: https://www.truevoicecourse.com/

Visit my website: https://welcometohumanity.net/


Rotary Club of Folsom Lake


Holistic Transformative Coach, MD - Psychiatrist, Author, Podcaster